Russian Media Trolls

Russian Media Trolls Information

Russian Media Trolls are Russians that spread propoganda all over the internet, in this case they are targetting people on social media. Spreading faslse information(propoganda) online or over the net dates all the way back to the Cold War, it was used as a tatctic to confuse adn destablize the enemy. Today it is even easier thanks to the internet, Russia continues to spread false information in order to spread mistrust towards the American goverment, and so there would be a general feeling of uneasiness in the U.S. Russian Trolls will osmetimes also target people as individuals so it will be more affective, on this website I will try to show you how to identify a Russian Troll.
Recognizing trolls is become significally more difficult as propoganda efforts are becoming more sophiticated, but there are still ways to tell whether someone is a Russian troll or not. There are very small things like for example if you see some article sent to you and you can tell that there is way to many things that are trying to appeal to you by using things that interest you thn it may be a Russian Troll. If the article seems like it is trying way to hard to change an opinion or a trying to sway you to a different opinion it may be a Russian Troll. You can avoid these Russian Trolls by simply not beleiving everything u see on the internet escpecially something that seems a little to appealing to you then you can just choose to not beleive in it and report it.
Russian Trolls do effect the society we live in, Russian Trolls can sway people into voting for someone that they originally were not gonan vote for using false information and things like this change the country we live in. They can alos change your opinions about the small things, liek to not use a product casing the company to lose profits and maybe cause the company to stop making the product, which causes the company to eventually lose enough mone to close down. They can also create consipracey theories that could potentially cause a panic, or make people feel uneasy, they can also destroy patriotism by spreading fake news about the American goverment. Russian Trolls are dangerous and need to be stopped, you can help end there influence on us by simplying spotting one on a social media and reporting it to shut down the account.

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